Costumes & Props
When you have a material as imaginative as InstaMorph, it's no coincidence that it performs well in costuming and prop building. With InstaMorph, you can make your own plastic masks, props, and accessories for that next great costume project. When you’re at your next convention asking yourself, “How did they make that?," the answer may be InstaMorph.

Costume Armour PIeces
Courtney (and her horse Apple Pie) used InstaMorph throughout her costume for Fantasycon’s parade in Salt Lake City. She emailed us this picture with the following story. “This was a...
Costume Armour PIeces
Courtney (and her horse Apple Pie) used InstaMorph throughout her costume for Fantasycon’s parade in Salt Lake City. She emailed us this picture with the following story. “This was a...

Princess Bubblegum Tiara
Denisse made this crown of Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time. She’s going to be cosplaying as her for a comiccon coming up soon. The entire crown was made out of InstaMorph....
Princess Bubblegum Tiara
Denisse made this crown of Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time. She’s going to be cosplaying as her for a comiccon coming up soon. The entire crown was made out of InstaMorph....

Glacier Dress
We seem to be getting a lot of high fashion uses of InstaMorph. Here’s one from Veronika, a 2nd year Fashion Design student at the Norwich University of the Arts in...
Glacier Dress
We seem to be getting a lot of high fashion uses of InstaMorph. Here’s one from Veronika, a 2nd year Fashion Design student at the Norwich University of the Arts in...

Fashion Arm Band
Allison made this hand accessory for a fashion show called Art2Wear at NC State University. The inner arm piece is made of InstaMorph and formed onto the wearer’s arm. “The idea was to...
Fashion Arm Band
Allison made this hand accessory for a fashion show called Art2Wear at NC State University. The inner arm piece is made of InstaMorph and formed onto the wearer’s arm. “The idea was to...

Costume Claws
Here’s a great use of InstaMorph for costuming; making custom claws that fit exactly to your fingers. “When making claws for a costume I originally tried fun foam, but being...
Costume Claws
Here’s a great use of InstaMorph for costuming; making custom claws that fit exactly to your fingers. “When making claws for a costume I originally tried fun foam, but being...

Costume Hand
Savannah made a prosthetic hand for her cosplay costume out of InstaMorph. We asked her for some details about how she made such an amazing, working model. “The tendons are 1 mm...
Costume Hand
Savannah made a prosthetic hand for her cosplay costume out of InstaMorph. We asked her for some details about how she made such an amazing, working model. “The tendons are 1 mm...