Costume Hand

Costume Hand

Savannah made a prosthetic hand for her cosplay costume out of InstaMorph. We asked her for some details about how she made such an amazing, working model.

“The tendons are 1 mm braided dyneema cord, which is used for parasailing kite lines and other utility applications. It was ideal for this because it’s extremely strong, and using braided cord allowed me to  fray the ends and mix the fibers into the plastic, so that it adhered well to the fingers. It’s also convenient because it is so thin.

Also, the return action is achieved by embedding dental rubber bands into the backs of the knuckles to straighten the fingers when relaxed.”

Thanks Savannah, for all the info. Hopefully this will inspire some other cosplayers out there to make their own out of some InstaMorph. Also, for those interested, the character she’s building this for is the Cheshire Cat, from an an anime called “Pandora Hearts”.

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