Arts & Crafts
Did you know InstaMorph is great for all sorts of arts and crafts? Great for adults and children alike, use InstaMorph to make your next sculpture, figurine, jewelry, toy, or start a family craft night. Don’t like the dinosaur figurine you created? Then it’s into the water with you to become something new!

Holiday Creations
A while back we posted about UK artist Claire Jackson and her work with InstaMorph moldable plastics. She sent us a holiday update with some amazing images attached. “…On Saturday...
Holiday Creations
A while back we posted about UK artist Claire Jackson and her work with InstaMorph moldable plastics. She sent us a holiday update with some amazing images attached. “…On Saturday...

Custom Toy Playset
We’ve always thought that InstaMorph would make a great medium for creating your own toys. This InstaMorph fan has taken us there. Here she describes her project and motivation: “Let...
Custom Toy Playset
We’ve always thought that InstaMorph would make a great medium for creating your own toys. This InstaMorph fan has taken us there. Here she describes her project and motivation: “Let...

Craft Projects
We know there are many of you out there using InstaMorph for some exciting arts & crafts projects. We always encourage our fans to send us pictures of there work...
Craft Projects
We know there are many of you out there using InstaMorph for some exciting arts & crafts projects. We always encourage our fans to send us pictures of there work...

Chopstick Holders
Today we saw that someone had made some cute little chopstick holders using InstaMorph. These little guys are great since you can wash them off in cold water after each...
Chopstick Holders
Today we saw that someone had made some cute little chopstick holders using InstaMorph. These little guys are great since you can wash them off in cold water after each...