Jason created these custom arrow tips for his bow and arrows out of InstaMorph, our InstaMorph pigment pack and various other pigments. The results are pretty impressive. Here are some more details on how he did it.
“When I got my first bow a few years ago, I found that the field tips that came with the arrows either got stuck badly in, or went straight through the targets I was using! So, I got the idea to take some machine screws that had the same threading as the field tips and put a blob of Instamorph on them to make blunt arrowheads.
(Incidentally, I’ve found that applying Instamorph to various screws, nuts & bolts is a very handy way to make accessories for things like camera tripods or anything else you can screw them into.)
Recently, I decided to take that idea a step further and make some more imaginative heads for my arrows. I used a variety of mediums to color them – mica powders for the hammer & bullet, Jacquard dye for the lightning bolt, and some red pellets from an Instamorph Pigment Pack for the boxing glove.
Obviously, the bigger & more oblong the head is, the less likely the arrow is to fly the same way it would with a standard, properly-balanced tip, but these are just for having a little fun with target practice.
Making them is a surprisingly simple process; the only limit is your imagination!”
Thanks Jason for sharing all these details and inspiration with us!
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