I know one of these days I’m going to crack off one of those tightening knobs on my tripod. When I do, I’m reaching for some InstaMorph like Baron did. He made a quick replacement, include a ergonomic handle, with the help of some InstaMorph.
“The centerpost tightening knob on my tripod had its threads stripped so I went to the hardware store, bought some nuts and bolts, used some epoxy glue to hold things properly in place to create a makeshift knob but it was small and painful to turn. So then I used InstaMorph to recreate the comfortable knob to make it easy to tighten the knob. When you’re dealing with thousands of dollars of photo gear you don’t want to compromise.
Attached are photos of the replacement knob hardware base, the cooling InstaMorph and the finished knob on the tripod.”