Brent had an interesting idea this year. Given that Hanukkah and Thanksgiving overlapped (for the first time in 100 years), he created a a Turkey Menorah, or “Menorkey” for short (or is it a “Turkorah”?). Brent has been working with InstaMorph since mid-2010, but this is the first one he’s sent in. Well, we’re really glad you did Brent. We love it!
The InstaMorph Team does not recommend that any more Menorkeys get created anytime soon. In theory, the overlap is not supposed to happen again until 2070, so you’ll have your Menorkey in storage for quite a while if you made one.
Still, you can make a menorah next year in any shape you want. Although not traditional, InstaMorph definitely isn’t the only unique material you can use by any means. The internet says you can even use a potato.